NEW "The Ancient Astronaut" in Issue #14 James Gunn's Ad Astra
NEW "The Artist with No Tattoos" in Spring 2024 Hyphen Punk
"Angry Green Men" in Cosmorama for free!
"Grinning on the Way to See Mom Die" as a podcast in Pseudopod
"Jukebox Cellist" to appear in On Spec Magazine
"At the Chasm of the Split Gene" in Allegory Ezine for free!
"Family Roots, Family Thorns" in Vol 19, Issue 1 of Electric Spec for free!
"Disposable Gabriel" on the Hugo Recommendation list by Nerds of a Feather
"Remoras" upcoming in Insurgents! anthology from Lost Boys Press
"Disposable Gabriel" made the cut in an important Best-of-List!

Stories published in 2023:
"Of Fire & Slumber" "Warden Trees" "No Goodbyes" "Funeral for Anya" "Disposable Gabriel"
I was on two writer panels in Albuquerque's Bubonicon! August 25-27, 2023

Video of my reading of "Shearing" at La Galleria at The Shaffer Hotel,

Mountainair, New Mexico - July 8th, 2023

Stories published in 2022:
"Ornamental Refugee" "Acuity Score: High" "Shearing" "A Knell that Summons Thee"


"Eternal Rotation," my very first professional fiction sale, is here at The Colored Lens!


Super-short Bio

The author abandoned all semblance of a career in 1999, opting for part-time gigs and visiting 40-some countries backpacker style. He recently slowed life even further to settle in rural New Mexico, USA with his wife Kathleen Eickholt and three pitbulls to gaze at sunsets and write science fiction.